Just trying to make Romania popular ;3
not big SasuSaku fan but hey i just felt like making this crap =w=
song: Prima Noapte (The first night)
artist: DJ Project feat Giulia
E prima ora din prima zi
E greu fara tine nu pot minti
Tu ai fost totul si puteai fi
E prima vara din primul an
Azi numai ploaia imi bate la geam
Si imi aminteste cat te iubeam
Nu reusesc sa ma desprind
E un univers care vrea sa ma sting
Ma prinde teama si incep sa te strig Ref: E prima noaptea cand imi e frig
Bratele tale nu ma pot incalzii
Un suflet rece eu nu pot iubii
It's the first hour from the first day
It's hard without you,I can't lie
You were everything and you could be
It's the first summer from the first year
Today only the rain is pounding on my window
And it reminds me how much i loved you
I can't forget
It's an univers that wants me to turn off (turn off meaning to die)
THe fear catches me and i start calling you
It's the first night when i'm cold
Your arms can't warm me up
A cold soul i can't love
Author: catnapy123 Keywords: anime sakura sasuke sasusaku sakusasu haruno uchiha naruto romania manga prima noapte dj project feat giulia Added: November 11, 2008
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