Gify z naruto
Author: EmCleRiLe Keywords: naruto uzumaki sasuke uchiha sakura haruno pictures of you last goodnight Added: May 7, 2008
Gify z naruto
Author: EmCleRiLe Keywords: naruto uzumaki sasuke uchiha sakura haruno pictures of you last goodnight Added: May 7, 2008
los mejores momentos de sasuke
Author: 513rr410 Keywords: anime manga sasuke naruto saske shippuden cap capitulo sakura uchiha raruto kakashi equipo rock lee Added: May 6, 2008
Lecture vidéo du Scan, image par image, pour voir la suite de la vidéo allez sur
Author: soflelion Keywords: Naruto Uchiha Uchiwa Sasuke Itachi Akatsuki Hebi Tobi manga Added: May 7, 2008
-requested by nigeriaboyx- nigeriaboyx: could i have Ts sasuke vs Anko and Ts sasuke vs Ts Temari please maximum hardness and also full handicap for comp please. im still working on the temari battle. Difficulty: Narutimate(hardest mode)
CPU Handicap: 10(max handicap)
Author: DXcellence718 Keywords: Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Accel TS Sasuke Uchiha Anko itachi orochimaru chidori mangekyou sharingan kakashi ougi ps2 Added: May 6, 2008
SPOILER SCRIPT!!!!! Hashirama used the name of Hokage before the village hidden in the mist begin. 柱間率いる千手一族はどの忍びからも一目おかれ恐れられていた
Senju clan whose leader was Hashirama was respected and was afraid by every Shinobi. 千手が動けばうちはが動く
When Senju moves, Uchiha moves. 奴等を相手に出来るのうちはくらいだった
Only Uchiha could deal with Senju. 千手を雇えば対立国はうちはをやとう......柱間と対立するうちオレのなもどんどん知られた」
If a country employed Senju, the opponent employed uchiha...
My name (Madara) became famous, while I opposed with Hashirama. サスケ「名をあげるために弟の眼を奪ったのか?」
Sasuke: Did you deprived your brother's eyes to make your fame? まだら「名をあげるためではない弟は自ら眼を差し出したのだ」
Madara: It wasn't for fame. My brother offered them by his choice. マダラは拳(正確には左手で右手の腕を)をにぎる
Madara gripped his left fist by his right hand. 「だが千手はうちはに休戦を申し出た
Madara: But Senju offered armistice. うちははこれに同意した
Uchiha agreed with this. More from him: だがオレは休戦に一人反対した
But I only opposed this armistice. 今までの憎しみは?弟はなんのために犠牲になったのだ?」
Sasuke: What was this hatered we had till now?
Why my brother sacrificed himself? 「いずれうちはは千手に駆逐されてしまうと思えてならなかったが皆は休戦を望んでいたのでオレ はリーダーと して仕方なく意思を汲み取った」
Madara: I thought Senju would wipe us out in future, but everyone wanted armistice, so I agreed with armistice according to clan's will as a leader. I had no choice. まだらと柱間が握手をする
Madara and Senju shake hands. 「それから程なく我らは火の国との協定にこぎつける
Then we reached an accord with the country of fire. 火の国と木の葉隠れの里だ
The county of fire and the village hidden in the leaves. この一国一里のシステムをあらゆる国が真似た
Every country emulated this one contry and one village system. それにより争いもなくなる
The conflicts disappeared by this system. ひとたびの平和だ」
Temporay peace has come. 「だが木の葉はある出来事により混乱におちいる」
But the village hidden in the leaves get into trouble by an incident. サスケ「?」
Sasuke: ? まだら「初代火影の座だ
Madara: The position of the first Hokage. 火の国も里の皆も柱間を選んだ
The country of fire and people in the village chose Hashirama. うちはの主権が遠ざかるからオレは柱間と対峙する道を選んだがうちはの者でさえオレについて来 るものはいな かった
I afraid that Uchiha would be get away from dominion, so I decided to oppose Hashirama, but even a member of Uchiha didn't follow me. オレは叩かれそれどころか弟の眼を奪った欲深いあにだと言われた.........
I was criticized and said I am a greedy elder brother who robbed eyes from his younger brother. どこに好き好んで弟を傷つける兄がい る?
There is no elder brother who is willing to heart his younger brother. オレはうちはを守りたかっただけだ......!オレは里を出た」
I've just wanted to protect Uchiha! I've left the village. 「復讐者となり里に戦いを挑んだ」
I became an avenger and challenged village. 「オレは敗れた......オレはあそこで死んだ.........とされている。
I was defeated...I died there...They thought so. 柱間でさえ そう思ったはずだ」
Even Hashirama should have believed it. 「柱間の弟であり二代目は反逆者を出さない為に信頼の証としてうちはに警務部隊の役職を 与えた
The second Hokage who is younger brother of Hashirama assigned Uchiha to police force to show how much he believe Uchiha clan. しかし実際は監視かに置くためだった
But actually, that was to observe Uchiha. その意図に気付いたうちはの者もいてオレの意思を次ぐ奴も出てきた
Some members of Uchiha have noticed this and tried to execute my will. 時すでに遅し...うちはは千手の犬に成り下がっていた」
But it was too late...Uchiha has already become a dog (subordinate) of Senju. 「そしてある事件でうちはは完全に駆逐される」
And Uchiha has totally wiped out by an incident. 16年前の九尾来襲だ
The attack by Nine-tail fox in 16 years before. それをうちはがやったと勘ぐったのがダンゾウと相談役二人
Danzo and two old advisers deduced that Uchiha did it. 九尾は天災でうちはは関係していないのに反逆を狙ったとか色々言われた
Nine-Tail fox was a natural disaster and Uchiha wasn't included it, but they said we planed rebellion and so on. それ以降はうちはは暗部により監視されまくり里から隔離された
After that, ANBU kept watching Uchiha and Uchiha was isolated from the village. 三代目は隔離に意義を唱えたがみんな認めなかった
The third Hokage opposed this, but no one agreed with him. そしてうちは一族里を乗っとる為にはクーデターを企んだ
And Uchiha clan planed coup d'etat to take over the village. それを阻止したのが お前の兄うちはイタチだ
The man who stopped this was Itachi, your elder brother. そこから奴の地獄は始まったのだ」
His hell started from that time.
Author: 123labisx Keywords: naruto manga 399 spoilers itachi sasuke uchiha madara tobi Added: May 7, 2008