Thursday, April 3, 2008

Naruto manga chapter 396 spoiler (alittle from tobi face)

its the first time i don't know if it the real deal or not^^"

Author: sss83 Keywords: Naruto manga chapter 396 tobi uchiha madara itachi sasuke kakashi jiraiya Added: April 3, 2008

Goodbye Sasuke

My second slideshow. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY better than the first one. Some things have good timing and some things have crappy timing. You decide.

Author: Sabakryou Keywords: Naruto shippuuden sasuke tribute uchiha itachi Added: April 3, 2008

Naruto manga chapter 396 spoilers (with script)

The Konoha Team attempts to chase Tobi and Zetsu who disappears but are stopped by Kakashi 何故止めると爆発寸前のナルポ、なだめるヒナタ。真剣な表情で思案するカカシをみて自制するナルポ。
Naruto is about to snap asking why they were stopped. Hinata tries to calm Naruto down. Naruto sees Kakashi's serious face and controls his anger. しばらくして、サスケを探そうとヤマトが提案。ナルト、ヤマト、ヒナタ組、キバ、シノ、サクラ組、カカシ、サイ組に 分かれて捜索することに。捜索中、サイが何故止めたかを質問、答えないカカシ。
After a while Yamato suggests to continue search Sasuke. They decide to split up into groups again and search. While searching, Sai asks Kakashi why he didn't allow them to chase in persuit. Kakashi doesn't answer. キバがサスケの匂いを感知。で全員集合も戦闘の後はあるが、サスケの姿もイタチの姿もない。 匂いも残っておらず、これ以上の追跡はムリ。歯軋りするナルトに皆声を掛けられない。 Kiba senses Sasuke's scent. Everyone gathers to find traces of a battle but find no figures likely to be Itachi or Sasuke. The scent has gone so they decide they cannot chase any longer. Naruto grinds his teeth and no one talks to him. サスケが瀕死ながら目を覚ます。周りを見渡すがココがどこか分からない。 そこにトビとゼツが帰還する。誰だと詰問するサスケ。「はじめまして・・・じゃないよね。」面を外すトビ。(素顔はお預け) 「お、お前は・・・」驚愕するサスケ。
Sasuke wakes although he is dying. He looks around but can't figure out where he is. Tobi and Zetsu return there. Sasuke asks who they are.
Tobi takes his mask off and says:
"Its not the first time...Isn't it?"
(Writers Note: I'll leave the face up to when the manga comes out)
Sasuke looks astonished:
"You, you are..."

Author: sss83 Keywords: Naruto manga chapter 396 tobi sasuke uchiha madara itachi kakashi Added: April 3, 2008

Sasuke the Avenger

Sasuke Uchiha young & older and some with Itachi.

Author: Jen2481 Keywords: avenger OneTrueMedia Added: April 3, 2008

Reason One Why Sasuke Sucks Majorly

A rant of mine, the first, with my lame pictures. A good stress relief for anyone fed up with Sasuke.

Author: kayura1 Keywords: reason one why uchiha sasuke sucks majorly rant hate loath loathe naruto Added: April 3, 2008